On this week’s show:
Cannabis has triumphed! — After a 100+ years of race-miscegenation persecutions and betrayals.
I have memories, don’t you?
Today’s show looks at how one innocent young girl — okay, me— went from soldiering the outrageous antics of the drug wars, to ground-seeding the weed intelligentsia.
Dig this podcast? Why not groove with the other hep cats? Keep Susie on the mic!
My high school underground newspaper encapsulated our generation’s contempt for the politics of pot persecution. Not everyone escaped jail time or having their life ruined, that’s for sure.
Love to hear your comments below.
Tell me the first time you got high, got busted, got dismayed with “legalization” politics, laid the irrigation down for your first Guerilla farm, ran from CAMP helicopters, smoke Thai stick, started a weed hospice, made a pipe out of a tampon tube… any of it!
The War on Weed is Over - 100 Years of WTF