What, no Mara Levine editorial in that Red Tide!

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Mara and I were both “too young” to be in that issue, we were still in junior high. Also Mara was not about to start ranting about pot! LOL. She had more gravitas than dear Howard. Mara is a great writer though, I’m so glad you mentioned.

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Is she still writing? As for Junior High, all I can say is that in HIghland Park me and a friend had a mimeographed underground newspaper we called "Alfa," guess why.

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Haha. I believe Mara is a lawyer. I am in better touch with her brother Joel.

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Honestly the first time I smoked weed it was with a child molester who I was babysitting on third party from jail so that he could also babysit me. 🤷‍♀️

I have fond memories tho of going to sauna parties every Sunday at our senators house, where the adults would sauna and smoke weed and talk about utopian societies and seceding from the union.

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