Susie Bright’s Journal
Back to Bed with Susie Bright
The Joaquin Phoenix Scandal, Little Queer Lies, and Why “Intimacy Coordinators” are B.S.

The Joaquin Phoenix Scandal, Little Queer Lies, and Why “Intimacy Coordinators” are B.S.

Suzi Hollywood here. Let’s rip the covers off.
Hello there, and welcome to our podcast: “Back to Bed with Susie Bright.”
This is the week of August 16, 2024. If you can consider subscribing, you have my gratitude — you are keeping me on the mic.!

I was interviewed at length by NPR this summer, on the occasion of the Criterion rerelease of Bound.

I thought you’d like to hear the whole shebang, because we got into a lot of topics that are a little too “mature” for NPR Weekend Edition. ;-)

I am NOT your “Intimacy Coordinator.” Got it?


Hollywood observers were rattled the past week when a major star dropped out of his project 4 days before shooting began— leaving a major financial and creative mess in his wake. The headlines screamed: “Is he afraid of having to play gay?”

Nope. NOPE. And I will tell you why!

Hey, sorry my podcast was a couple hours late this morning! My vast staff has been SACKED.

Oops, that’s me.

Please consider a paid subscription to my podcast . . . So I can inspire some discipline around here.

Enjoy subscriber-only stories on Wednesday and Thursday, conversation in our comments, and our merry band . . .


‘Til next week,

Clits Up!


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Susie Bright’s Journal
Back to Bed with Susie Bright
"Susie Bright is a national treasure, right up there with the Grand Canyon, the battlefield at Gettysburg, the Okefeenokee Swamp, and the Smithsonian Nancy Reagan Memorial Dress Collection."
• Whole Earth Review