Susie - love your writing, and make a request. Can you please trace the ride of the rear in American beauty and sexiness?

Breasts were until quite recently completely dominant - but now there are ifs, ands and emphatically, drastically Butts. I speak as a male fan and behind worshipper - but would love to read your exposition, both personally as a well derrièred female, and as a brilliant cultural-historical observer.



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Haha, what a challenge! As you know, a lot of fashion mavens and sociopolitical types have already weighed in. But I will give it more thought. I wrote a story about the Vargas pin up illustrations a long time ago, which I think weigh in on this. I’ll repost that soon.

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Quite some time ago Frank Rich in the New York Times said he thought the new attention given the male behind came out of the Gay Movement. But certain styles of men's pants from the 1930s were clearly fashioned to emphasize brief glimpses of le derriere des hommes. Mickey Mouse had these high-wasted pants (although with a tail as well as a tail) and Leslie Howard seems to have dined out--so to speak--on the cut.

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Please - the reason I & many others read you is because of your unique take on so many received ideas, mining cliches for gold. Please, more gold!

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I couldn't agree more!! I'll never go back to jeans...I'm sitting comfortably in a skirt and leggins..usually a tunic and leggins...I'm a pear and we were not made for pants..I finally realised that in my 50's...along with my generation making boots acceptable with skirts - life has been a lot easier - do you remember when you couldn't really wear comfortable footwear with dresses or skirts - maybe it was just me and my suburban childhood...?? but in the 70's dresses = high heels and I've never been able to wear high heels...x....Life is TOO LONG for pants.

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i am convinced that Anderson Cooper's enormous aplomb comes from the fact that his mom, Gloria, stayed up nights sewing ladies jeans so he could go to The Little Grade School of Horrors Around the Corner.

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