The modern woman endures a lifetime love affair with pants. The tears will come, as well as the joys.
It started off with such a bang. In the feminist golden period, between John Lennon announcing the Beatles were more popular than Christ, and the first copy of Ms. magazine appearing on our doorsteps, something miraculous occurred.
Across the fruited plain, in every school, in every grade and class, a voice appeared on the public address system, and announced: “Next Monday, girls will be allowed to wear pants.”
Very often, there was a postscript: “Dungarees will not be tolerated.”
The next schoolday— I was in sixth grade— every single female appeared on campus in trousers, leggings, and yes, dungarees (that is to say, JEANS).
“Not tolerated” be damned! This was so much bigger than going bra-less.
Can young women today comprehend a time in their mother’s lives when they couldn’t wear pants? How did we ever play kickball in a jumper?
There was only one hitch: It’s difficult to look great …