On this week’s show:
Light me a cigarette, baby. That. Was. Incredible.
Stormy Daniels testified for 2 days in Trump’s Manhattan criminal courts, and she mopped the floor with the defense. Our catharsis was REAL. I savored every splash.
And the jury ate it up.
(See some testimony highlights below. I thought @KatiePhang did the best coverage and sidebars by far).
Want to join my “Stormy for President” campaign? Tired of keeping good women down? Keep Susie on the mic with your subscription:
On today’s podcast, we’re going to look at Daniels’ specific effect on the Trump campaign, and, more succinctly, how her presence struck a blow for the “working girl” as well as the female working class in full.
The event engendered next-level respect for sex work, and a refutation of slut-shaming on the public stage like we’ve never seen.
What did the daily papers and talking news heads have to say? —Precious little except they wondered “What about HER credibility?”
I’ve know Stormy’s mentors, the women in porn who ushered in the Stormy era. I was there when the worm turned in Las Vegas. (No, not RFK Jr’s).
Daniels is the most influential feminist in America this week, right up there with the courage and conviction of Anita Hill and Christine Blasey Ford.
But Daniels comes from a different stock, a different survival, and for once, class and truth mattered.

Love to hear your comments below.
What was your favorite part of the testimony? How do you speculate this has changed the game? Do you remember when sex work first became understood as labor? Where do you think Stormy gets her steel? Let’s blab more . . .
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