I love this story like I loved Hunter. Nice illustration too!

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Thanks Jonny. I remember exactly where we were when we got the news, and you drawing this way up on Partington Ridge, a place he knew so well too.

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Love Hunter Thompson. Thanks for reprinting this. You told me he'd read my story, but I think he only said "Susan St.Aubin has got to be a pseudonym!" That's on the parents. My Irish mother wanted to call me Dierdre, but that didn't work with St.Aubin. My dad wanted to name me Rachel after his grandmother, but there already was a Rachel St. Aubin because she was still alive. Susan was the compromise. Thanks for the great pseudonym, mom and dad!

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Most excellent story that transfixed and transformed me; loved Thompson’s HELLS ANGELS thanks for writing

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It really is. I never get tired of it. And those wretched reactionaries he describes… some things never change, eh/

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