Apr 9Liked by Susie Bright

Oh, I remember that issue! Summer 1984! I was working at a very horrible day job in Daly City and I saw that cover at a convenience store called Circle A market. Anarchy! I had to start scheming how I could get alone with that Penthouse. Miss Live-In (a woman of the gay persuasion herself now, for most of the last 40 years) had views about pornography. So I hid it in a brown paper bag at my Desk of Sorrows

Fortunately, one of the benefits of my horrible job was a pass so we could play tedious squash with one another. And the squash court had private hot tubs with doors you could lock. And that’s all I’m going to say about that. Except when I think of those photos of the flawless Vanessa, I hear the gurgle of a hot tub simmering away.

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Dear Susie, when you were writing for Penthouse Forum did you know John Liscio? He wrote for the Forum around 1979-81. John had a dual life. During the day he was the New York correspondent for BNA publications, which was a very serious legal and regulatory news organization. I wrote for BNA from '72-2007. At night, he wrote for the Forum. John would regale us with stories about attending gala openings for porn films. He eventually quit saying ``there are only so many ways to write about dildos.'' He later became a highly regarded financial reporter who did a newsletter on the New York Federal Reserve Bank, which did not involve dildos as far as I know. regards Mitchell Tropin

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Can you say more about how the layouts that Penthouse did were different from Playboy, and in what ways they were innovative?

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Can you point to example of the Penthouse layout? I think I’m following you but I’m not positive.

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