1. Are there any things that you did for the first time this past year?
I broke my first bone— my fifth metacarpal in a bike accident in August. Many humbling disability lessons!
Taught my first Zoom publishing and writing classes— loved them. “Mrs. Bright is Always Right.”
First year on Medicare and Social Security — the year of 65.
Started writing film reviews again for the Chron and the Book&Film Globe. That’s how my professional writing gigs started in the 80s, as a critic, and here I am again.
Took Beginning German, learned a lot about English.
Got rid of car and started walking around. So many secret alleys around here, I am thinking of making a shadow-alley Santa Cruz map.
Did you have any New Year's resolution and did you act upon them?
Retire. And I did.
Survive with little income. I did.
Did someone close to you give birth to a child?
Yes. She was a virgin. He’s supposed to be really special.
Did someone close to you die?
Casey Sonnabend. Fawn Fitter. Debi Sundahl. Jennifer Vail. Tom Tincher. Aline Kominsky-Crumb. Rachel Pollack. Amber Hollibaugh. Deena Chavitz. Let’s face it, it’s been an avalanche.
5. Which countries did you travel to?
It was more like counties, not countries this year.
6. What do you wish for in 2024 that you missed this year?
Traveling much further!
7. What days of 2023 will you remember?
It’s difficult, isn’t it, that painful memories linger with more fire than the sweet ones. The pain of my hand breaking, that’s the most painful thing I’ve ever felt, other than being scorched. But that’s another story!
The overall memory of 2023 was having my time back, every single day. Nothing like it. I have discovered so many pleasures.
8. Your biggest success in 2023?
Friendship, writing, editing authors I love, and time. Priceless.
9. And your worst failure?
What? Failure? Never.
I failed to achieve world peace. I failed to vanquish the corrupt and ignorant. I’ll never forgive myself.
10. Any injuries or diseases?
Yuck. See above.
11. What's the best thing you bought in 2023?
Well this was the year of not buying things. The best things I “sold” were my vintage fabric stash to my sewing friends online, and that has been so fun. I love seeing what they’re making.
12. Any people that deserve special praise this year?
Yes: Ariel Gore. Jon and Aretha, always. Willow Pennell. Kim Anno. Rebecca Hall. Louise Rafkin. Brenda Marston. Jasmin. Laura and Scott. Jessica Lockhart. Michael Letwin. Joe and Kat. Brother Joe and Sister Sam. (And if I didn’t mention you, it’s an unforgivable omission or sign of mental decay).
13. Anyone whose actions shocked and frustrated you?
Oh yeah.
14. What did you spend most of your money for?
Dental care is its own special shock tag.
Next year I hope to see that diminish because my partner and I will both be on Medicare and we’ve decided to let all our teeth fall out. It’s a plan!
15. What really pissed you off?
War is a RACKET.
16. What song will always remind you of 2023?
17. In contrast to January 1, 2023 you're now....
Sadder or happier? - Happier.
Thicker or thinner? - Thinner.
Richer or poorer? - Poorer in coins, much richer in time!
18. What would you've liked to do more often?
Travel aimlessly.
19. And less often?
Go to doctor’s offices.
20. Did you fall in love in 2023?
Of course!
21. How many one-night-stands?
I’m more of a two-night-stand person now. The first pancake is never the best.
22. What was your favorite TV show? -
Slow Horses.
23. Do you despise anything that you didn't mind before?
24. What was the best book you read?
Korean American, by Eric Kim.
Also, some of the manuscripts I’m editing. When they come out, I’ll blow the horn!
25. What's the best music you discovered this year?
Sam Reider, for new music.
26. What did you want and get?
Black Cashmere cardigan sweater
Tom Bullard’s 1917 Bar Guide
Undying devotion
27. What did you want but didn't get?
Peace of mind
Fountain of youth
A decent night’s sleep
I still want to get 200 blog subscribers by the end of the year; maybe I will! Just 7 more to go!
28. What are your favorite movies this year?
Frybread Face and Me
A Thousand and One
Zone of Interest
29. What did you do on your birthday and how old did you turn?
I turned sixty-five and had a party. We all went to see John Wick 4 as a group and it was amazing to be back with friends in the theater it was as if we’d never done it before.
30. What would've made your year easier?
Single Payer Healthcare including dental, hearing, and vision.
Revolution in all quarters.
31. What would you call your style 2023?
32. How did you manage to not lose your mind?
I did lose my mind. I just didn’t bother to retrieve it; that’s the trick.
33. Which artist did you admire the most?
Impossible question. My tribe, all of them. Jon Bailiff, because I work side by side with him every day.
34. What political subject caught your interest most?
Mendacity at the highest levels.
35. Who did you miss?
My dad. Honey. Everyone older than me who took care of me. Everyone who passed away this year.
36. Who's the best new person you met in 2023?
Alex and Violette and Simon and Melina!
37. Quote a song that sums up your year 2023.
Are there any important lessons you learned 2023?
"If it's not one thing, it's two things."
—Bart Dollhead
I got this template of questions from the Obscure Guardian.
Now it’s your turn! Post your answers below in the comments so I can go read YOU.
just one more thing: Shawn Fain's unwavering belief that the UAW can strike successfully and is now building for a General Strike for 2028: how can one not love this guy?!
"It’s difficult, isn’t it, that painful memories linger with more fire than the sweet ones."--thank you for putting this so beautifully. I've written it in my commonplace book.