1. Are there any things that you did for the first time this past year?
I broke my first bone— my fifth metacarpal in a bike accident in August. Many humbling disability lessons!
Taught my first Zoom publishing and writing classes— loved them. “Mrs. Bright is Always Right.”
First year on Medicare and Social Security — the year of 65.
Started writing film reviews again for the Chron and the Book&Film Globe. That’s how my professional writing gigs started in the 80s, as a critic, and here I am again.
Took Beginning German, learned a lot about English.
Got rid of car and started walking around. So many secret alleys around here, I am thinking of making a shadow-alley Santa Cruz map.
Did you have any New Year's resolution and did you act upon them?
Retire. And I did.
Survive with little income. I did.
Did someone close to you give birth to a child?
Yes. She was a virgin. He’s supposed to be really special.
Did someone close to you die?
Casey Sonnabend. Fawn Fitter. D…