In Which I Learn Your Private Thoughts
Susie’s first poll and nosy questions — I’m all ears!
Like many writers, I always wonder, “How much is too much?” Am I bugging my dearest friends and fans? Or would they happily enjoy some more?
I just found out I can run polls on Substack, so I thought I’d give this a whirl. Please do add to the Comments below if you’d like to go into more detail.
Here’s one more nosy question. I know this blog covers a lot of different parts of my life— it was a chance I took, that “we contain multitudes.” But I’m curious how you see it.
For my podcast, I’m thinking of continuing in the tradition of my longtime Audible podcast I did for 22 years. Same commentary, interviews, dulcet tones, etc.
And for my blog schedule — well, I have enough to say I could post every day of the week. But I don’t want to get on anyone’s nerves. And it’s good to pace oneself, eh? Please do know that in your “settings” you can adjust whether you get an email notice or not! You can turn off all the emails, and just brows…