Hey Susie, I hope you get out of your class soon and best wishes a fall and quick recovery

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Yes, me and my cast need to say ADIOS! Love you, Susan.

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I appreciate your take on things, Susie. You inspired me to reach out to a friend who self-isolates and we had a good talk. Situating what happened Nov. 5 in a global context of the rise of totalitarianism is useful framing, as is stressing the inevitability of mass chaos created by global climate change. Perhaps someone has addressed the rise of totalitarianism as a consequence of climate change. Many of our problems here in the US spring from overcrowding: we simply don't have the infrastructure to house everyone. The totalitarian solution? Mass deportation. The "liberal" solution? Build sufficient housing! Still, the totalitarian message is the one most convincing to US voters. How do we shift that dynamic? The D party must recommit to certain values. If unable to shake off corporate influence, they will permanently lose credibility with young voters. Building real power for 3rd parties could be another approach. I'm interested in sketching out what an Anarchist Party might look like here in the U.S. Not the black bandana, ATM-smashing trustifarian anarchist, but the classic Trotsky-Kropotkin Mutual Aid-Spanish anarchosyndicalism-Emma Goldman-style anarchism. Just some early thoughts.

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Yeah, I want to DRILL Down, so to speak, on the specifics of this. I think there is a scared-shitless totalitarian reaction to climate change, as they deny deny deny. The psychology of that, I get. It’s like sexual repression. Their real feelings are obvious, even as they protest.

I also think the “liberal” solutions are too little, too late. Those of us who believe “cooperation” would be a better strategy than hoarding and competition, are left looking namby-pamby, when in fact I think we are far more radical and realistic. What/who should I be reading?

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Just some humor as to what Trotsky, Kropotkin, and Goldman would say:

Trotsky: Keep Reading, and exterminate billionaires without mercy

Kropotkin: “Be strong. Overflow with emotional and intellectual energy, and you will spread your intelligence, your love, your energy of action broadcast among others! This is what all moral teaching comes to.”

Goldman: Shut up and dance

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And I'm embarrassed to say I erred in invoking Trotsky, though he fits too. Intended to say Tolstoy. Just starting to re-dip my toes into this material.

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So much to unpack! Gloria Anzaldua is coming back into (my) fore with her evocation of spirits as well as radical analysis of gender, class, and race. Right now reading Michelle Cliff's Free Enterprise: A Novel of Mary Ellen Pleasant. Karl Popper's The Open Society and Its Enemies. Dorothy Allison! It's time to create something that's not been seen before. Let our imaginations run wild!

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