How Do I Know When My Manuscript is Ready?
Knowing when to go public and make the big reveal — it’s an art to itself
How Do I Know When I’m Ready to Submit my Manuscript?
- Master Class II
Everything comes down to four basics. Let’s examine each one and solve it for your project:
Your Manuscript - the length, the topic, the style, its place in the world.
Your Timing - the timing of book releases and their preliminary pitches is an art.
Your Allies - Your early readers, editors, support. Not always obvious!
Your Pitch - We all make fun of the practice, but how do you tell an agent or publisher with a miniature attention span, the what and why of your story? Is writing the pitch going to hold up the whole parade? Let’s dig in.
Before class, I’ll ask you to send me a quick note on what you’re thinking of submitting or writing next, maybe what happened last time you got close to the stage.
I’ll use the participant stories anonymously in the workshop, making composite examples out of what everyone confides to me. That way, you’ll get the nitty gritty breakdown without having to uncloak, so to speak. I want you to gain exactly what is on your mind!
A $35 deposit saves your spot in Master Class II: Paypal Link
You’ll pay the remainder before class starts. Each two-hour workshop is $175 — or there’s a significant discount if you purchase four workshops at a time.
Book Publishing Master Classes with Susie Bright
Full info and registration here.
• Classes Meet Thursdays on Zoom for two hours: 10am PST / 12pm CST / 1pm EST
• Each master class session takes place in a ZOOM class, 2 hours in length, with a 10 minute break.
• Each class is limited to 10 students.
• For each class, Bright will invite you to send any preliminary materials or questions before the workshop, so she can address your specific background, goals, hopes—all of it!
Any One Class: $175
Any Four Classes: $550