My podcast editor Jessica and I are taking off this Friday, July 5 — no podcast or essay today. Thank you for your forbearance!
We’ll be back with a new podcast on Friday, July 12. Can’t wait to see you then.
Meanwhile, here’s some interesting statistics:
Started my first Substack - 2020, but I barely paid attention the first two years.
Number of Posts - Since 2022, 365 stories, I hit my stride! I get about 32,000 views a month. Now I’m posting 4x a week, at least, and this is my first day off for good behavior.
Number of Podcasts - 18 so far, since I started on my March birthday. 4,500 downloads so far.
Needless to say . . . I could not do it without my subscribers, readers, listeners, and paying subscribers.
You know this is what I do best, and what we share in common. Thank you so much for BEING HERE.
Susie, you are a beautiful woman.