TV NEWS LEGEND Barbara Walters once complained that her plane flight was ruined by a woman sitting next to her who insisted on breastfeeding her infant.
The things you have to put up with in First Class!
A great number of breastfeeding moms spoke out to protest Walter's prejudices. Baba got an earful! We didn’t hear such complaint from her again.
I admire all parenting rights activists— breastfeeding is a perennial feminist and healthcare issue— but as the years went by, I got swept away in other mothering priorities. Then menopause. Each has a common thread of “Get your laws off my body and respect my cunt!”
You may imagine my surprise, when fifteen years after I stopped lactating, I found myself used as an example of a milky pervert in a women’s column called "It's Getting Tough to Keep Abreast of All the Boobs in Nursing Battle,"
from the Boston Her…