I first met Jack Davis when I was a frequent visitor to a lesbian brothel commune in Santa Cruz, circa 1981. He lived in the basement, and despite having the least comfy room in the house, he was more productive than the rest of us put together.
The first time I visited Jack’s studio, he was crocheting a penis. Like everyone else who entered his lair, I was hooked.
Later, Jack moved to San Francisco where his fiber arts are legendary. I'm one of many collectors in his cult.
So far, I have a cunning Valentine-doily penis in black and red— and a big knotty bruiser pierced with many amulets, including an old-time New York subway token.
And yes, if you're nice to me, I'll let you touch them.
It's difficult for me when Jack has a gallery show, because if I get around a new crop of his penises, I Want Them All. But I can't stay away... and I like to meet the other devotees!
Mr. Davis was kind enough to let me interview him when my curiosity got the better of me!
Why did yo…