For Authors Only: E-books, Kindle, Backlist and Front List
Authors, Avoid the Rut — The Joys & Money of DIY and Guerrilla Marketing
Master Class No. 11:
Kindle & Self-Published Authors - The No-B.S. Seminar
May 2, 10am Pacific, ZOOM
Register for Class Here —2 seats left!
Ebook Marketing for Real, and the Abundance of Fakes
What Matters on Kindle — not obvious until mentor shines a light
How to Stay Sane and Make Money
Social Media for Ebooks – What Makes a difference anymore?
Touring or Not? How does it affect ebooks?
Crossing Genres in Ebook publishing
The Mingling Medium - Book Groups are ebook magnets
Marketing for the shy and misanthropic
Pricing and Sales and Freebies
Writing First