Master Class 6: Inside The Publisher’s Brain
WHEN: April 18, Thursday
10AM Pacific Time, on ZOOM.
Why do publishers say “yes” or “no”?
There IS an answer to this.
What are their rejection letters telling you, really?
Understand the institutional memory of publishing and you’ll know how they think.
The forensics of examining comparative titles and how authors can leverage them.
Is publishing really all nepotism and monkeys throwing darts? No. There’s a science. You should know what they know.
If you knew how publishers thought, it would drastically change your pitch for your next book.
Authors are weary of being infantilized. They want to know how their work is surveyed.
This is NOT byzantine or esoteric knowledge; it’s something that should be understood by everyone at a negotiating table.
Yes, you have to step outside your ego, but every writer has experience in that.
Publishing savoir faire is to the writers’ advantage and long-term prognostication. Let’s dig in!
I’ll interview you before the session so I know what you’re focused on.
I have accepted a few thousand proposals for most of the major publishers, and proceeded to edit and produce the Works. A few hundred bestsellers — that’s a happy ratio.
But I have rejected 100,000+ authors in my career, based on criteria I realized the authors were largely ignorant of. Let’s change that. Rip the bandaid off!
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