Let me introduce you to one of the NFL's most surprising fans: me.
I barely know the rules of the game, but I am a total sucker for anything political, poignant, or scandalous about big league sports.
The highlight reel to my Super Bowl party, as usual, will be the food.
I know how to make a chili for people who hate chili. A chili for vegetarians that the meat-lovers will demand for seconds. And yes, a chili you can make in minutes but will make everything believe you toiled for hours.
You can cook it as picanté as you like, but I know how to take all the heat out of it, and still make people feel rambunctious. And... my guacamole is the best.
These are not idle boasts. Here is my recipe, rudely adapted from Molly Katzen's Still Life with Menu. It's good for any winter day you wanna feel like a winner!