My First Month of Medicare - Nip and Tuck and Holy Fuck
Welcome to the first days of civilized healthcare - Can it be true?
Today is the big day, people:
My First Day of Medicare Coverage!
I’m about to get a new lease on life. My 65th birthday is this month, March 25th, and my healthcare insurance, once a millstone around my neck, transforms into something useful. —Something extraordinary, in fact! — in light of how people in this country hang on by their fingertips to a semblance of wellbeing.
On Medicare, starting today, my insurance premium bills are going from FIVE figures to THREE figures! I don’t have to eat dog food in retirement; how lovely. I can get all the things done I put off and made light of, because I didn’t want to endure the cost, spare an emergency.
Welcome to Amerika, baby!
I have so many thoughts.
One, I definitely do “feel entitled.” Fight like hell for the living, as Mother Jones said. I have been working steady for fifty years. What a racket!
I remember my first wage-job at fifteen, as a McDonalds franchise “Golden Girl.” I was so proud of my wrinkled social securit…