I love a good movie quiz. My favorite ones search my memories and take a nice long spell to complete, like a crossword puzzle.
The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie's Springtime Movie Quiz is inspired by my fellow film aficionado, Dennis Cozzalio and his famous movie blog, Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule. He and his comrades come up with the best questions.
I tweaked his quiz and had the best time filling it out. Have at it! All the questions are at the end, so you can copy and paste into your own diary, or show me your answers!
The classic movie moment that everyone loves except me is . . . ?
Sharon Stone crossing her legs in Basic Instinct. Big Whoop. I'd rather see Grace Kelly cross her brow.
That singular disappointment is closely followed by the "Parting the Red Sea" in The 10 Commandments.
I'd like to direct my own "parting" of legs and oceans.