Every publishing friend I have today, asks about the recent mass layoffs in the book industry, and how it’s affecting authors. Same with film and TV.
— Are new authors being signed who aren’t related to the boss? Does a mid-list author have a life at all?
— Are new titles still in the pipeline or is everything being “cancelled” in a panic?
— Is it basically “forget it!” — only Stephen King and movie stars need apply?
If your favorite editor is gone, how are you supposed to navigate the sharky waters?
Do you have to be Jesus Christ on a Bicycle to get a deal in 2023? —Or is he washed up, too?
Fear not, I have answers— and relevant questions— at my upcoming March 8 publishing seminar.
Sign up! The hand-wringing will end, I promise.
I have hard info, timely advice, and a very good ear.
For the moment, here’s an undiluted clue or two.
Let’s consider what stage you’re at:
If you are actively writing a project now . . .
If the moment is right for you to compose and finish a decent draft this ye…