I was queasy the first time I ate the body of Christ. I was only seven years old. I had been prepared for the occasion for months by a squadron of nuns who would brook no misinterpretations of our First Communion.
For those of you who were not raised Catholic, you may not know that when a priest places that piece of bread in your mouth, it is not a symbol of Christ's flesh, but rather, his ACTUAL flesh. Catholics hold that the consecrated hosts - the edible wafers - have undergone transubstantiation. You learn that word in the 1st Grade!

You open your mouth and surrender your tongue, as if to lick. The priest presses Christ's body to your waiting tongue with his fingers.
The sweet wine in the cup is not merely fermented juice that the padre waves his wand over— it's Christ's blood, the very thick of it.
To believe otherwise will damn you straight to hell, to burn in flames hot…