The Banality of Colonel Schultz’s Private Bitch
All wars are fought twice: the first on the battlefield, the second in smut*
One thing I have in common with the late Andrea Dworkin, is that whenever we would get off a plane in a new country, we would seek out a sample of the nation's pornography.
Why? Because it's like stepping into the sticky pool of a community's greatest historical burden. Whatever we are the most ashamed of, the most conflicted, there is the volcano of fucked-up catharsis.
Case in point: a yellowed clipping found in the Times’ Jerusalem Journal, a report on a 2008 documentary, Stalags, which revealed that the much-disgraced "SS Camp" porno-books that thrilled and terrified Israelis since the early 1960s, were created by Israeli authors who mined an apparently unbeatable combination of horror and titillation in the wake of the hair-raising Eichmann trial.