I recently learned that a writer who once swept me off my feet, died in 2010 without my knowing.
It happens sometimes. Many adventurous writers, especially in the S/F/F world, miss Camilla DeCarnin terribly.
There was a time I talked to Mog, aka Camilla DeCarnin, on a daily basis. It was during our indie publishing heyday, the San Francisco 1980s. Mog is the one who introduced me to “slash/fiction” — and was arguably its greatest author and interpreter. Her Fox Mulder/Krycek slash, “A Boy and His Rat,” is unequalled.
Mog was one of the greatest zine creators, ever. Evidence? Here are archived PDF copies of one of her best series: Majoon 1, Majoon 2, and Majoon 3. She co-edited the precedent-setting Worlds Apart: An Anthology of Lesbian and Gay Science Fiction, truly a collectors item.
Samuel “Chip” Delaney recently remembered her remarkable archive and contributions. And that’s how I found out she had passed. Whew.
Mog was a translator, science fiction writer, zine maker, and litera…