Buried Pleasures October — Crip Edition
Young Marble Giants—and Rita Indiana Hernández Sánchez
I broke my foot yesterday.
I am lamenting in every language. I am stuck in a despicable cast for a month!
Since I have already watched every decent movie and television program known to man — you KNOW that feeling — I have found solace in music.
The Young Marble Giants Debut
I unearthed a live recording of a group I worshiped in 1979, when I was 20 and they were a sulking Welsh trio who flew to San Francisco with a drum sampler, to stun a bunch of jaded Polk Street punks.
Their album was called “Colossal Youth.” Their sound was “majestic minimalism,” critics said, but more than that, it was hypnotic. It was the beating of your heart and the ennui of your last steps. No record was put on “repeat” more often that year.
The Giants came, The Giants went, they disbanded, my vinyl was forgotten. But no more! I am reviving. What a treat to watch this video of their classic appearance at a long-ago bare studio in San Francisco.
Colossal Youth : Young Marble Giants at the Western Front, San Francisco 11.6.80